
Admissions Policy

FuturEdge Charter Academy is a public charter school and requires no application fee or tuition. In order to be eligible for admission, students or their guardians are required to reside in the State of Nevada at the time of the application. FuturEdge Charter Academy may refuse admission to any student who has been expelled or suspended from a public school, until the period of suspension or expulsion has expired. FuturEdge Charter Academy does not limit admission to students on the basis of intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, disability, race, creed, gender, gender identity, national origin, religion, or ancestry.

The Enrollment Process

Pursuant to NRS 386.580, a charter school shall enroll pupils who are eligible for enrollment in the order in which the applications are received. If more pupils who are eligible for enrollment apply for enrollment in the charter school than the number of spaces which are available, the charter school shall determine which applicants to enroll on the basis of a lottery system. From the waiting list, students will be admitted based on the results of the lottery. The remaining applicants will be placed on a waiting list until additional seats become available.

Because class sizes are limited, we encourage you to enroll today.

Lottery Process

The 2025-2026 school year lottery date is Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 2:00 PM. The number of enrolled and pre-enrolled students in each grade is compared with the available seats on that date. If there are more applicants than available space, a lottery process will be used to determine randomly which pre-enrolled students will be admitted. The remaining applicants will be placed on a waiting list. For grades that are not over-subscribed, enrollments will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once accepted, students MUST reapply annually.

Priority of Enrollment 

Priority in enrollment is not a guarantee of a seat; there must be available space in the grade or program. Once a student uses any enrollment priority to enroll, he or she may not use any priority again. Enrolled students who subsequently withdraw must use the lottery process without priority to re-enroll. The only exception is Opportunity Priority. 

Enrollment priority may be awarded to the following, with priority given in this order: 

  1. Children of the school’s full-time employees and Board of Directors. This number cannot exceed  15% of the school’s total enrollment unless granted a waiver by the State Board of Education.
  2. Siblings of currently enrolled students. To be considered an eligible sibling, applicants must share a residence and a legal guardian with a currently enrolled FuturEdge Charter Academy student. 
  3. Siblings of FuturEdge Charter Academy graduates. 
  4. Opportunity priority. A student who was enrolled at FuturEdge Charter Academy within the two previous  school years but left to participate in
    1. an academic study abroad program or competitive  admission residential program or
    2. because of the vocational opportunities offered by the student’s parents.



Returning Families

Registration must be completed through your Parent Portal account.
Registration Hours Monday – Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Families New to the Clark County School District

Register on the CCSD website at
Parents must have an active personal email account.

Required Documents

  • Original birth certificate or passport
  • Updated immunizations OR medical / religious exemption which must be renewed annually
  • Parent / guardian current NV issued identification
  • Enrollment packet
  • Certified court documents (as needed)
  • IEP / 504 / ELL / G.A.T.E. documentation
  • Transcripts / grades / etc. from previous school